All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 228 in total

Deception Detection: 3 Questions to Ask

Written and presented by Jeremy Lallier. Satan the devil makes a habit of spreading lies. It’s easy to get caught up in his tricks. Use these questions to keep your gu...

Middle East Justice?

Written by Neal Hogberg and presented by Erik Jones.Soon after Hamas’ evil terrorist attack from Gaza, the UN’s highest court accepted a case charging Israel with geno...

The Family That Plays Together

Written and presented by Mike Bennett.Hard work is a virtue, but God is not against family fun. In fact, He commands us to rejoice together!Read Online

The Family That Prays Together

Written and presented by Mike Bennett.“The family that prays together, stays together.” This saying is not in the Bible. But the need for parents to teach their childr...

Lessons From the First Lie

Written and presented by David Treybig.The first lie recorded in the Bible has had profound effects upon mankind. What can we learn from this seminal event? When will ...

Does the Bible Make You Uncomfortable?

Written by James Capo and presented by Clyde Kilough.The Bible is a bestseller, and many look to it for encouragement. But it also gives correction, and that can make ...

Truth Is Fallen in the Street

Written and Presented by Jeremy LallierThousands of years ago, a kingdom was unraveling because it stopped caring about the truth. Now our world is doing the same.Read...

How Did Jesus Pray?

Written and presented by Erik Jones.Do you want to learn how to pray? Or to pray better? The Bible provides ample instruction. A great starting place is the example of...

What Can the Righteous Do as the Foundations of Society Are Destroyed?

Written by Jason Hyde and presented by Jeremy Lallier.As many of the foundations of society crumble, what can we do? How can we avoid being distracted by unsettling ch...

Should We Worry About Growing World Debt?

Written by Bill Palmer and presented by Clyde Kilough.World debt reached a record-breaking $313 trillion in 2023. Should we be worried? And what does the Bible say abo...

Olympic Legends: The Boys in the Boat

Written by Doug Johnson and presented by Clyde Kilough.This year’s Olympics will bring new stories of triumph. Few can top the classic underdog story of the American r...

The Significance of Pentecost and the Book of Joel

Written by Bill Palmer and presented by Clyde Kilough. Pentecost is most often associated with the beginning of the Church. Can we learn more about the significance of...

Developing Christian Character

Written and presented by Mike Bennett Growing to become like Jesus Christ—developing Christian character—is an essential part of God’s plan for us. What is godly chara...

4 Pitfalls of Interpreting Prophecy

Written and Presented by Kendrick Diaz.Prophecy can be challenging to interpret, but avoiding common pitfalls can prevent you from believing misconceptions about the f...

Clinging to the Anchor of Hope

Written and Presented by Jeremy Lallier. In spite of our accomplishments, the world scene is often a depressing one. God provides sure and steadfast hope in the midst ...

Jesus Heals on the Sabbath: What Can We Learn?

Written and presented by Erik Jones. Jesus was accused of Sabbath-breaking because He healed people on the Sabbath. Was this breaking the Sabbath? What can we learn fr...

How to Prove All Things

Written and presented by Jeremy Lallier.Through the apostle Paul, God instructed us to “prove all things.” But what exactly does that mean, and how are we supposed to ...

Words to Live By?

Written and Presented by David Hicks.The words we use to direct our life have a good or a bad impact on who we are. Consider some common motivational sayings compared ...

What Must I Do to Be Saved?

Written and presented by Kendrick Diaz.The Philippian jailer had a unique experience. But his question is universal. What must we do to be saved? What does the Bible s...

5 Ways to Live Like Jesus in the Modern World

Written by Jason Hyde and presented by Jeremy Lallier. True Christians desire to live like Jesus Christ, but how do we apply His example to our modern situations? Cons...

What Does the Resurrection of Jesus Teach Us?

Written and Presented by David Treybig.Jesus’ resurrection is a vitally important aspect of Christianity. Unfortunately, many don’t understand these biblical teachings...

Space: The Final Frontier . . . for War

Written and Presented by Neal Hogberg.Space exploration was a “giant leap for mankind.” But now a new space race has become the crucial arena of a great power contest....

“I Am the Bread of Life”

Written by Bill Palmer and presented by Clyde Kilough. When Jesus was asked to prove Himself with a sign like the manna God gave ancient Israel, He declared, “I am the...

Episode 205: Did Jesus Keep the Sabbath Day?

Written and presented by Erik Jones. Some say Jesus didn’t affirm the Sabbath command. Is that true? Did Jesus observe the Sabbath? If so, is His example relevant to C...

Episode 204: How to Correct Others Without Burning Your Bridges

Written by Jason Hyde and presented by Jeremy Lallier. Sometimes we feel an urgent need to tell people what they did wrong. Sometimes we shy away from sharing helpful ...

Episode 203: America: Exporting Radical Social Ideologies to the World

Written and presented by Neal Hogberg. Radical social and political ideologies are spreading from the United States and separating it from allies, while emboldening ri...

Episode 202: Is the Law of Attraction Biblical?

Written and presented by Erik Jones. The idea of the law of attraction can be found in both New Age and self-help literature. But does this so-called law align with th...

Episode 201: The Greatest Mystery of the Bible

Written by Bill Palmer and presented by Kendrick Diaz. Jesus spoke of “the mystery of the kingdom of God.” Paul also wrote about the mysteries of God. What are these m...

Episode 200: Are Aliens Real?

Written and presented by Kendrick Diaz. Recent U.S. intelligence reports have brought renewed attention to the prospect of alien life. Is the earth being visited by ex...

Episode 199: Three Rational Proofs God Exists

Written and presented by James Capo. Can a rational, intelligent person believe in God? Or is the better question, “How can a rational, intelligent person not believe ...

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